Sunday, May 14, 2006

Women Against Bush's Favorite Democrat

"I doubt that anybody will call me 'George Bush's favorite Democrat.'" -- Ned Lamont,

We do not want a pro-war senator representing Connecticut. Joe Lieberman�s insistence that the war in Iraq is worth all the lives lost and our national resources drained is out of step with the majority.

Remember when Joe Lieberman wanted rape victims to climb off the gurney and go some place where their unreasonable demand for emergency contraception would be honored? (Providing, that is, that they knew about the existence of emergency contraception � Catholic hospitals may receive public funding, but they won't tell you that you might need it because you might wind up in hell and all.)

Anyway, leaders within the Connecticut pro-choice and GLTB community � equally disgusted with both Lieberman and with NARAL and Planned Parenthood's refusal to call bullshit on his claims to be "pro choice" � have banded together to form Connecticut Choice Voice, "a website sponsored by Connecticut Women Standing Up for Choice and Equality."

Their number one agenda: the election of Ned Lamont to the US Senate to replace Joe Lieberman.

1)Joe Lieberman voted for cloture and would not support the Democrat-led filibuster which would have challenged the nomination of Samuel Alito to the U.S. Supreme Court. [Recall that Planned Parenthood and NARAL told their members to thank Lieberman for his Alito vote ]

2)Joe Lieberman is on record as opposing the proposed legislation in Connecticut that would require all Connecticut hospitals to offer emergency contraceptives to rape victims.

3)Joe Lieberman believes it was proper for the U.S. government to intervene in the Terry Schiavo case. He claimed it was "justified to give this woman, more than her parents and husband, the opportunity for one more chance before her life was terminated," and that government "must honor life."

4)Joe Lieberman has steadfastly supported the war in Iraq. He has been a vocal, public defender of the Bush-Cheney administration's decision to continue to wage war and cites the need to "finish the job," going so far as to suggest that anyone who opposes the war is unpatriotic.

5)Joe Lieberman opposes the right of all women�and men�to marry the person of their choice. Even though he has stated that he supports civil and human rights, he does not support marriage for same-sex couples.

New Cook Report just out..

Bottom line. Dems have a decent chance of winning the senate (it all comes down to Tennessee) and a better chance of winning the house - but it will come down to money where the goopers expect to have a huge advantage that they think will overcome a strong anti Clusterf*ck and anti gooper sentiment.

Very interesting reading.

Back in December, Senate Dem Leader Harry Reid had this to say about Joe Lieberman:

"I've spoken to Joe Lieberman and he knows he's out there alone. I mean, literally alone. Joe is a fine man, he has strong feelings, but he's just alone. Even Republicans don't agree with Joe."

Now he's letting Joe feel the love. Read and weep.

I write to urge you to support my friend, Joe Lieberman, when you convene with your fellow delegates on May 20th, and then when you cast your vote in the August 8th primary.

I know that there's been a lot of discussion among you and your fellow Democrats about Joe, and I'd like to share my thoughts with you. Let me be clear: as the leader of the Democratic Party in the United States Senate, I need Joe to be reelected. We have many battles in the future and his presence in the United States Senate is essential.

The Difference Between Reid and Lieberman... that Harry Reid can be counted on to support the winner of the Connecticut Primary come the November General Election.

I think it's fabulous that people are stepping forward to challenge the interest groups who purport to speak for the causes of those they have abandoned (and in doing so give the public seal of approval to candidates who don't deserve it). And it's also great that they have come out and supported Ned, who truly deserves it.

You can donate to Ned here.


At 1:49 AM, Blogger Jeans Pants said...

Interesting site. So far I like it a lot. Keep up the good writing


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